Stressin’ Out

Stressin’ Out

I wrote this before the big break-in, but it certainly applies now.  Big Monster Stuff can be heavy, man.

Anyway, TCAF was a really great time.  Being in the “Webcomics Pavilion” and not actually having any Monster Isle stuff was sorta silly, but that’s how it goes.  If any of you are coming to this from meeting me or seeing my work last weekend — HI!  Nice to see you!

My second graphic novel, Cavemen in Space, hit stores yesterday!  I got my copies in the mail on Tuesday, and they came out great!  Check out the AdHouse Books CiS site for more info and a 9-page preview.  There are additional preview pages (that pick up where the AdHouse preview stops) at the Amazon page that you can access by clicking “search inside this book.”  Then go to your local comic shop and take a look!

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