Nervous Habit

Nervous Habit

After debuting at SPX, the new Monster Isle mini-comic, Monster Isle: Big Monster Stuff, is now available for purchase! The primary spot people can get this comic is my online store. MI:BMS is also at a few comic shops. Athens, GA residents can find it at Bizarro Wuxtry (as pictured above), and copies are also at Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find in Charlotte, NC.

As I suspected, I almost sold out at SPX. Soon I will give MI:BMS a small second printing to compensate for online orders, but that will be it! So I recommend you get your orders in sooner than later! Also at SPX, I sold out of Mermin 1 and 2. Issues 3-5 are dwindling, so if you have been wanting those, I would consider ordering those soon as well. All of this is for sale at my store!

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