It's here! A new comic! It's The Return of Thievery Girl, and as you may have figured out from the image below, it's a continuation from The Unremarkable Tree Frog. Enjoy!
Well, it's been a long week. No, I don't actually have any comics to post just yet. I've had lots of school work on top of a birthday and trip home for orthodontist appointments, so...yeah. Also, the coloring for this new comic is going slower than desired. But just to let anyone who's interested know, here's what I've been working on:
It's a five page story, and two pages are done so far. For some reason Tree Frog stories take a lot longer to do than my other work. So, it'll be a while. I've got a few other comics going simultaneously, otherwise it'd be done by now.
Also, David has been working a lot on his website, and now it really lives up to it's name! Besides doing practically a complete site makeover, he put up the entire first issue of Lou Season to read as well! So, if the preview on my site interested you, which it most certainly should have, you can read half of the story right here!
Check back in a week or so (well, most likely "or so"), and I'll hopefully have something ready to read. Also, news regarding a new mini-comic is on the way!
Minor News update about News! I noticed that I had quite a few updates on this page, and wasn't sure how long that was taking to load for people out there with dial-up. So, I created an archive section. If you have any interest in looking at my past news updates, the links are there on the left
Other than that, not much to say. I am working on stuff. I'm hoping to have a new comic finished and up by the end of next week, but it may be a bit longer...