New illustration! It's half an attempt to pump up my illustration portfolio, half a study for a short comic that I'll be working on after completeing The Ride Home. It involves deep sea diving and dinoaurs! Check it out!
Want to see a big preview of this FLIGHT 3 book that I keep mentioning? Comic Book Resources has a nice article with previews HERE and a second preview HERE! There's samples from like 17 stories or so! Check it out, 'cause this book is gorgeous!
A couple pieces of news...
Some of you may remember that I was in a book called Strange Eggs. Well, it looks like word about More Strange Eggs has finally come out! I'm not mentioned in the article, but they do have the above page from my story featured! The Boxing Bucket was a character in one of the stories from the original SE book, and the editors liked him so much, they gave him his own book! His deal is that he always wears costumes and assumes fake identities. And he's a bucket that boxes...
In other news, the 5th was my birthday, and I received an awesome piece of art from David Yoder featuring the Girl & Lumbering Beast from a yet to be seen publicly story for FLIGHT 3, my two Dinosaurs who first appeared in THIS story (and who may appear again in another form sometime in the future....), the infamous Future Joey, the Pig & Crocodile from many many stories including THIS one, Tree Frog & Thievery Girl, and of course Nodo and Flora from The Ride Home! Excuse the smudges, David corrected those before giving me the piece, I just grabbed this image from the one he scanned:
I also received what I believe is the first ever fanart for The Ride Home from the very cool Michael Firman! I absolutely love this:
I have to apologize for lack of internet activity lately. I've been a lot busier with a closer-to-full-time job, and hard at work finishing up the pencils for The Ride Home (rounding up page 124 at the moment!).
Speaking of The Ride Home, last weekend was FLUKE, the way cool mini-comics festival in Athens, GA. I was unable to make it, but my comics were there! And that is where The Ride Home #2 made it's debut! It's the thickest mini I've ever done! 30 pages, and only $2. That's twice the size of #1, for the same price! Whatta bargain! Here's what the cover looks like:
It did pretty well at FLUKE, but I've still got plenty of copies left, and plan on keeping it in print for the time being. So, TRH #2 is available for sale or trade now, along with my other minis. Info for ordering them or contacting me can be found here!
Also, there's a couple pieces of news on the FLIGHT blog about the upcoming Volume 3, which features my piece, "The Lumbering Beast." First of all, FLIGHT can be found in the current issue of Previews! Follow the link to see some shots of the different spots where it's mentioned. FLIGHT 3 got not only a full-page add, but is also a featured item! Issues of Previews can be found at your local comic shop. Be sure to mention it to your local Comic Book Guy!
The second bit of FLIGHT news is that there's a decent sized article about Volume 3 in the latest issue of Kotori Magazine! Check it out for a slick shot of Kazu's beautiful cover, as well as preview images of Phil Craven's excellent story, and Kean's all-new Jellaby story (which is always something to be excited about)! I haven't seen this article in person yet, but I'm sure the words say some nice things as well!
One last bit of news...on a personal note, Wednesday is my birthday! I'll be spending a good deal of it on a plane to Indiana for a short orthodontist-related trip, but oh well. It will be good to see my family for my b-day!