So, I've been mentioning Flight Volume 4 for a while, but never made an official post about it... So here it is!
Last month, the list of contributors was announced. It's an impressive list, and let me tell you, this one is going to be great. I'm glad to be a part of this book for sure. I've already read most or all of the stories, but I'm really looking forward to having the book and reading them in print....
Anyway, Newsarama recently had an interview with Kazu regarding Flight 4 followed up by a HUGE 57 page preview! Within it you'll find two pages from my story, "From Here to There." If you don't want to hunt for them, they are here and here, but I definitely recommend looking at the other work while you're there.
Welcome to April! Not only the month I was born, but the beginning of a series of conventions and anthology appearances leading up to the publication of The Ride Home!!
So, here's a run-down of what to expect in the next few months, starting with....
The FLUKE Mini Comix & 'Zine Explosion! I'm very excited to return to Athens for this very cool get together of cartoonists. I'm makin' my way out all the way from Indiana, because I expect to see some good friends of mine, and hopefully meet some new ones! I recently updated my Artist Info page, so you can swing by there and check out what minis of mine I'll be bringing!
Here's what else is in my future:
Superior Showcase #2 - A fine comic published by AdHouse that features a new 12 page Tree Frog story. Perhaps the best one yet?
Flight Volume 4 - The newest volume in this great series is incredible! This book has a new full-color story of mine titled, "From Here to There." I'm very proud of this piece, and eagerly await it's publication!
San Diego Comic-Con International - I'll be at SDCC again this year. Like last year, I'll be hanging out at the Flight table doing signings and having a grand ol' time!
Toronto Comic Arts Festival (maybe) - Not set in stone yet, but I'm planning on it for the moment...never been to TCAF -- heck, never been to Canada before, so I'm looking forward to it hopefully coming through.
The Ride Home - My first graphic novel published!! Need I say more???
Baltimore Comic-Con - Never been to Baltimore Con before, but if it's seeing the debut of my book, I'm there! I'll be at the AdHouse table doing signings and showing off TRH!
Small Press Expo - SPX!! Possibly my favorite show ever! This is as far as my plans for the year go. I'll have my own table, sharing space with the likes of Drew Weing, Eleanor Davis, and David Yoder, but I'll also have signing times at the AdHouse table.
RIDE HOME Graphic Novel
Coming this Fall from AdHouse Books!
Available for preorder on Amazon.com!
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