Well, my submission to this year's SPX Anthology didn't get in. Tom Spurgeon's got a list of who got in over at The Comic Reporter. So, I uploaded my story to Art & Stories. You can read it here!
I colored one page of it for a class last year. I'm too busy to color the rest, but I may return to it. If you're curious, here's the colored page:
Also, I realized that my address was wrong on my info page! Oops! Hopefully, no one mailed me there. Please let me know if you have, thanks!
New comic over at Art & Stories! It's a one-panel gag that I did a while ago, but I still think it's funny, so, I colored it and put it up for all to see! Here comes the Fairy Tale Econocomic!
Between various anthology work I've been up to, I've been working on my graphic novel The Ride Home. You may remember it from the promo image that I posted a while ago. Or if you know me, or read my LiveJournal, you've probably heard me mention it about 5,000 times.
The first 15 pages are done, and I am collecting them together in a mini titled (oddly enough) The Ride Home #1! It's going to be debuting at SPX this year, but you can read a four page preview here! Enjoy!
Sorry for the lack of updates recently. But, I assure you, I have been busy. The next few months are gonna be packed! I do update more frequently on my LiveJournal, which is where I now post news that isn't art or site-related. So if anyone's dying to know where I am, that's a decent place to check!
No new art at the moment, but I have updated my Links page. First of all, I've added the lovely and talented Michele Chidester's new website, which I designed as a birthday present. Also, I've added the Eleanor and Drew's shared web store, Little House, as well as the homepages of Ben Towle, Kazu Kibuishi, Phil McAndrew, Hope Larson, FLIGHT, and The Secret Friend Society!
I don't update my links page much. It's sort of become the forgotten section of my website, and I know I've left a ton of cool people out, so I apologize if you don't find your website there. Anyway, check out those cool people who I have added, and maybe you'll see some names that were already there of people you haven't heard of. I highly reccomend them all!