I posted a new comic! And it's in color! Wow! Go read Koko the Gorilla Detective!
Finally got the Links section up. It's filled with friends, favorite cartoonists, and more!
Also, I added a "Related Links" section to the Artist Info with links to an interview and a review of my minis.
I put up the rest of the 6 page story I did for the 2004 SPX Anthology. So, like the Tree Frog story, if you've read the 2 page preview, check out the rest here.
Well, I haven't updated since I put the site up, but there is more coming! I decided to put up the entire Unremarkable Tree Frog story, so if you've already read the 3 page "teaser" I originally put up, check it out again.
In other news, on January 29th I'll be up in Athens at the FLUKE Mini-Comics Festival! I'll be selling and trading my three minis, so if you didn't see me at SPX, here's your chance!
The website is now up! Not everything is together yet, but the Artist Info is up as well as several comics in the Art & Stories section. I hope you enjoy my work! There's more to come!