Well, I promised comics, and I deliver ...illustration! Yeah, more comics are coming soon, but for now here's a new illustration.
The sample pages of Lou Season are up! Like I said, it's written and drawn by David Yoder and inked by me. It's about a duck that goes to school and falls in love with the class gerbil. I think the pages we've chosen to put up as samples give a good idea of the feeling the book has. Enjoy!
As for my own comics, I'm planning on scanning some more stuff this weekend, so some time next week a new strip or two should be popping up.
Lastly, I've had a couple of reviews at Optical Sloth. They were flattering, and some of my friends who went to FLUKE were reviewed as well. Check 'em out!
I have added a new mini-comic available to order in the Artist Info page titled Lou Season #1. It's a comic written and drawn by my friend David Yoder, and inked by me. We worked closely on this, and I think it's a very strong book. It's the first part of a two part story, each part being 26 pages! Part two will be out later, and I plan on having page samples up soon, but for now, here's a shot of the cover:
The "Art" part of Art & Stories is finally up! It features a few of my illustrations, so check them out!
Well, first of all, last weekend I went up to FLUKE, and it was great! The ice storm that came in ended up making the one day trip a two day ordeal, but it was fun all the same! Great comics, great people, great music, and more! At the door you were given a copy of the FLUKE anthology, and my dinosaur story was in it. I don't know how many extra copies they have left, but they may still be available through their website.
In other news, Strange Eggs is a book coming out in May from Slave Labor Graphics, and I have a one page comic in it! This is a book with a long history behind it, basically it was a comic that was supposed to come out a while ago to accompany a cartoon show with the same name's debut. However, only the pilot episode was made, and the whole project was scrapped. Ben Towle was involved and he has something about it on his website, as does the Strange Eggs Fansite.
Also, I updated my Links page, adding my girlfriend Michele's DeviantArt site. She goes to school with me, and is an excellent Illustrator!
And in probably less interesting news, I rearranged the Artist Info section a bit, now with a list of the books I've been published in.