(I'm pretty sure that) Superior Showcase #2 is in stores this week! Here's a panel from my story, featuring The Unremarkable Tree Frog:
The first review I've found has been positive! Here's an excerpt regarding my contribution:
Weiser's "Big Mail Day", a charming tale of love and superheroing, ends the issue, bringing the collection back to the innocent merriness with which it began. The story follows Tree Frog, an unremarkable superhero working in the mailroom at Business Co., as he meets fellow superhero and coworker Jack Hammer, and dreams of his love (and enemy), Thievery Girl. The story at its most basic - shy boy has boring job and longs for cute girl - is a staple of indie comics, but giving it a superhero twist is very refreshing. No one wants to sit through another awkward conversation between the shy guy and his overbearing coworker, but when one's Tree Frog and the other is Jack Hammer (whose divorced parents imbued him with a Batman-esque vengeance), you can't help but laugh. "Big Mail Day", with its clean art and delightful story, is a fitting and wonderful end to the issue.
The Ride Home is solicited in June's issue of Previews! Here's the info:
Ride Home
by Joey Weiser. Published by AdHouse Books
the adventures of Nodo The Van-Gnome as he tries to find his lost home on
wheels. During his quest he’ll meet sewer dragons, junkyard trolls,
and a cow or two. A fun, all-ages romp of a story created by new-comer Joey
4C cover
168 one-color pages
5" x 7.5" SC
$8.95 US funds
ISBN 978-0-9770304-4-6
Shipping August
Diamond Order Code: JUN073174
Yeah! And while we're plugging, Superior Showcase #2 is coming out in June, also from AdHouse Books! Within this issue, with other stories by Farel Dalrymple and Maris Wicks, you'll find an all new 12 page comic featuring The Unremarkable Tree Frog!
RIDE HOME Graphic Novel
Coming this Fall from AdHouse Books!
Available for preorder on Amazon.com!
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