Just a quick reminder that Chapter 2 of The Ride Home starts today! Keep checking back to http://www.tragic-planet.com/theridehome/ every Wednsday for updates!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Surprise! The Ride Home is now online! I've decided to serialize it online, making it my first webcomic I suppose!
I'll be dividing it into chapters, and to kick it off, I've uploaded all of Chapter 1, which is also the entire first TRH Mini. And starting next week, I'll be updating every Wednsday, adding 3 pages a week. The main index of the chapters can be found here, but for future reference, the most recently updated set of 3 can be found at http://www.tragic-planet.com/theridehome/ ! Bookmark it! And check back next week for the beginning of Chapter 2!
Also, you'll notice the little TRH icon that I've added to the side here, and at my Art & Stories page. Those will also bring you to the most recent updates.
I'm still uploading my most current pages to my LiveJournal, so if you're curious where this is all going, you can take a peek there.
Well, I finally made Michele a News section! You can check there from now on for updates. She's got a few illustrations to upload, so those should be appearing in the next few weeks. Also, I updated her Links page! Check it out!
As for me...I've been working away at The Ride Home. The plan is to have it finished and ready to pitch by this spring. I can totally do it! However, that means until then TRH will have my full attention. As usual, you can see the new pages I'm working on for that on my livejournal.
Who knows, a new illustration or short comic may surface...but I wouldn't count on it. However, over the next few months I should have some cool news about some new publications featuring my work!