Well! Long time no update, eh? Regardless of my inactivity updating my website, there HAS in fact been a lot of news to report in the past month or two. So here we go...
First of all, my one-on-one follow-up to PopImage's Flight Interview has been posted! And I am paired with Mr. Dave Roman, which I find a fitting grouping. =) Read it here!!
The Roundtable was all about Flight, but this one is more centered around my work outside of Flight (with a focus on The Ride Home and Tree Frog)...so, if you're curious about that I'd give it a look!
Next, in a situation similar to what happened with El Senor Ciuf Ciuf's "As Seen From Above," I was contacted by a band called "Two Shirleys" about using some existing art of mine for an album cover. The album, "Witness," is now available for purchase on their MySpace page, where you can hear samples of their music as well! I got my copy in the mail recently, and it's excellent music for relaxing or to listen to while working!
I should also note that like the Ciuf Ciuf album, none of the graphic design was by me. But unlike Ciuf Ciuf, the lettering was not done by me.
If you want to check out a new short comic by me (and in color to boot!), check out this post from Lifemeter! Lifemeter Comics is a website dedicated to art & comics inspired by video games. Below my comic you can read a short explanation of my inspiration for this piece!
While we're on the subject of comics for other websites, I've done a guest strip for the webcomic Muffin Time! Bryan is a nice fellow who I met at SDCC, and invited me to take part in his guest week! Hooray! So, check out my strip, and then stay a while, and read some of his other fine funnies! =)
So, who's coming to SPX this year? It's going to be great. One of the many reasons why is that Tales of Unusual Circumstance #3 is going to debut there!! This 20 page mini comic features a couple short comics not on this website, and is centered around "The Peach Boy," a 15 page story based on the Japanese legend of Momotaro! Not to mention a third story featuring The Unremarkable Tree Frog! Of course, after SPX (Oct 13-14), ToUC #3 will be available to order at any time. Info about that can be found here!
And last, but certainly not least....yesterday, September 27, was The Ride Home's final update! Yup! The whole darn thing is online! Starting next week, www.tragic-planet.com/theridehome will take you to the chapters page, so that anybody who's linked to it won't be taken to the end automatically =)
Tell your friends!!
Also, I may have some TRH publishing news in the near future...I'm going to make an effort to keep this site updated more regularly. I usually do a good job, but the past couple of months got away from me somehow. For those interested, my LiveJournal is a more immediate way to see what I'm up to (and there's even some comics on there that you won't find here!)
Until then, I hope to see some smiling faces at SPX!