Okay, the above image is obviously lifted from the Balimore Con website, but oh well. I don't have a lot of time on my hands at the moment!
The point is -- this weekend I'll be in Baltimore spreading the good word about The Ride Home, and my other comics! If you're in the neighborhood, stop by! I'll be at the AdHouse table most of the time, where we'll have copies of TRH and Superior Showcase #2, and I'll of course have my minis on hand. Here are some specifics about who and what will be goin' on at AdHouse durring the show.
The most exciting news about Baltimore Con, though, is that I'll be speaking at my first panel discussion! Woo! The panel is called "Kids Love Comics, So Why Don't Comics Love Kids?" and will take place on Saturday at 3:00 - 3:50 in the "Fortress of Solitude." Take a look a the official programming schedule for more details!
In other news, more reviews for The Ride Home have begun to surface. There's a nice one over at the Las Vegas Weekly, and another at the Comics Waiting Room, which I might say is the best one yet.
RIDE HOME Graphic Novel
from AdHouse Books!
Available NOW from the AdHouse Store or Amazon.com!
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