December 6th, 2012
Okay, folks. I’ve seen it happen to many of the webcomics I enjoy, and it’s happening here. Monster Isle‘s short break is now extending to an indefinite hiatus. I was hoping to have the strip return by the end of the year, but I simply can’t keep working on it and keep my sanity.
If you are new to the site, I invite you to take a look through the archives. There are 3 years worth of comics to enjoy! Hopefully I’ll be able to check back in with the Monster Isle crew from time to time, but for the moment I don’t want to have the question of, “When is the regular strip gonna start back up again??” hanging over my head, as a creator, or your heads, as readers.
I hope everyone will keep an eye out on my homepage for news regarding my new graphic novel series, Mermin, as well as the work I’m doing for SpongeBob Comics, and more! I will say that there are new scenes and elements to Mermin Vol. 1 that were not in the mini-comics, and that includes a little something for Monster Isle fans. So check that out when it hits shelves in February!
Thanks for all of your readership! I apologize for not being able to continue at this time, but the enthusiasm you have for the strip means a lot to me.
December 6th, 2012
Okay, folks. I’ve seen it happen to many of the webcomics I enjoy, and it’s happening here. Monster Isle‘s short break is now extending to an indefinite hiatus. I was hoping to have the strip return by the end of the year, but I simply can’t keep working on it and keep my sanity.
If you are new to the site, I invite you to take a look through the archives. There are 3 years worth of comics to enjoy! Hopefully I’ll be able to check back in with the Monster Isle crew from time to time, but for the moment I don’t want to have the question of, “When is the regular strip gonna start back up again??” hanging over my head, as a creator, or your heads, as readers.
I hope everyone will keep an eye out on my homepage for news regarding my new graphic novel series, Mermin, as well as the work I’m doing for SpongeBob Comics, and more! I will say that there are new scenes and elements to Mermin Vol. 1 that were not in the mini-comics, and that includes a little something for Monster Isle fans. So check that out when it hits shelves in February!
Thanks for all of your readership! I apologize for not being able to continue at this time, but the enthusiasm you have for the strip means a lot to me.
October 4th, 2012
Monster Isle will be taking a short break. I know, pretty lame, right? Well, things have been pretty hectic lately with SPX, and getting a lot of freelance work on top of working on the next Mermin book. I just need a few weeks to get caught up with everything and unfortunately Monster Isle is gonna have to be put to the side. I do not plan for this to be a long break, but it might end up being a couple months. If you are reading this a year from now, and this strip is still on the front page, then I apologize and I just want you to know that I feel pretty bad about it. But, hey, over 3 years without missing a single week is pretty good, I think!
On the plus side, I have a lot of work coming in the near future! If you want more big monster comics from me, I suggest you pick up Bezoar, a monster anthology mini-comic which debuted at SPX this year. Bezoar is now available for purchase at the Little House store! On top of that, keep an eye out on my main website and/or Twitter for updates regarding Mermin. Volume 1 is coming in February, and I’m hard at work on Volume 2 right now! More announcements regarding who’s publishing it, what it’ll look like, etc. are on their way. You can also look forward to a bunch of SpongeBob Squarepants comics from me in 2013.
Again, I’m sorry for the break, but it shouldn’t be too long. Keep an eye out for those announcements regarding my comics including the return of Monster Isle!
September 13th, 2012

This weekend (Sept 15-16) I’ll be at SPX! At tables I13-I14 I’ll have a bunch of mini-comics and graphic novels, including the most recent Monster Isle mini and Mermin Theatre! New at the show will be Kaijuphabet, a mini collecting my AlphaBeasts illustrations, and Bezoar, an anthology including my new story, “The Littlest Fighter!” For more info check out my homepage!