Well, it's been a long time since I've updated! Sorry, but I don't have much to share...yet!
Last time I updated was right before SPX, and since then there hasn't been too much to report, except a very nice mention on episode 54 of Indie Spinner Rack. Their SPX coverage (which spans 3 episodes!) was really great, and almost all my buds who were at the show got a mention! Hooray!
I have actually been pretty productive, but it's unfortunately all stuff that I can't quite share yet. Despite my inactivity from the internet, I have been working on more short comic stories. However, those I can't share in the hopes of having some "never before seen" material for a graphic novel sized Tales of Unusual Circumstance collecting my minis and other shorts that I'm considering putting together in the near future.
There is some big news regarding The Ride Home and Flight, so keep an eye out on my website or livejournal , for some announcements in the next couple of months!